Business Automation Software that helps you

Integrate Modules Solve Business Issues Create Experiences

and grow brands by automating business workflow


Most businesses don't plan to fail; they fail to plan. The importance of running a business as a business is critical to success. Elkhorn Software provides proven business infrastructures, increasing your odds for success.

°Business Planning
°Create Experiences
°Brand Development
°Problem Solving


AI/ML and Computer vision 80%
Blockchain, Defi and DLT 60%
Data Analytics 90%
AR/VR 50%
Game Development 60%
Automation & DevOps 40%
HTML/CSS & Prototyping 80%
UI/UX engineering using Angular JS/React JS 70%
PHP Frameworks 90%
Python, Django and FAST API 90%
Golang 40%
Android/IOS Development 60%

Connecting Integrated Services


A concise summary of financial transactions, summarizing your company's operations, financial position, and cash flows.

Workgroup Coordination

Group members working together to synchronize their actions in order to successfully complete a group task.


Process of arranging, controlling, and optimizing work and workloads in a production process.

Background Checks

Verifying a person or company is who they claim to be - providing an opportunity to check education, employment, criminal records, etc.

Billing & Collection of Receivables

Creating accounting events in AFIS to trigger billing of goods & services provided.

Push Payments Out

Helping companies request the payment you're reliant on your customers for sending monies owed.

Matrix of Services Full Stack Enterprise Integrations

Smart Property Systems (SPS) was an early pioneer in the SaaS area, integrating the connect platform between tenants and landlord, landlord including vendor service providers and leasing agents, basically connecting owners, managers, staff along with vendors and service providers.  An example is owner’s association boards with members in real-time sharing of information.  Access and transparency, sharing documents, providing access to reports on an as-needed basis.  This is important to any organization, particularly fewer people doing more things, saving time, money, and resources while providing superior service to your customer base.

Other integrations that SPS provided was an ability to access background checks for Tenant Screening, and the ability to push Advertising of vacancies for rent, or properties for sale.

Get In touch

(760) 310-8505

available from 10:00 – 5:00

PO Box 5436

Ketchum, Idaho 83333